Mishandling of the degree symbol in legal descriptions

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Mishandling of the degree symbol in legal descriptions

Post by joe.mag »

Context: Select 4.0 version 4.0.30302.1069

We have observed a problem when generating documents that contain the field Order.Properties.CommitmentLegal.Description (i.e. Legal Description page, first rich text box). If we embed the degree symbol in the field, which is somewhat common when entering legal description surveys, it appears properly. When we query the database (SelectDb.pfm.Property's CommitmentLegal#Description field) we find RTF-encoded text that, when copied and pasted to a file, can be opened in WordPad where the degree symbol is properly rendered. However, when we generate one of our documents that includes this field on it, all of the degree symbols are replaced with question marks. Given our analysis it seems like the problem must lie in the document generation process or with the document itself.

Unfortunately it's very hard to analyze the internals of the resulting PDF. The best we've been able to do so far is to compare the results of opening the original survey text in Notepad and comparing it to the text that is generated when we export the PDF to text. I tried to attach some images showing the issue but apparently the forum won't accept upload for some reason.

Can anyone offer an insight into what's going on and how we can correct the issue? TIA
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Re: Mishandling of the degree symbol in legal descriptions

Post by BobRichards »

I'm afraid I can offer no insight into your PDF rendering problem, but Select 4.1 will correctly render and print the degree symbol.
Bob Richards, Senior Software Developer, SoftPro
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Joined: Mon Aug 29, 2016 2:01 pm

Re: Mishandling of the degree symbol in legal descriptions

Post by JJohnston »

This may have to do with how you’re copying the legal description into the field. Make sure you scrub the text through Notepad to remove any latent formatting that would affect document rendering. If scrubbing the text doesn’t work, insure that you have all default fonts installed on the server, mid tiers and clients.
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