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No way to hide the ErrorList window

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 10:55 am
by joe.mag
We implement our own rate calculator via a custom package and it provides more robust validation than SoftPro's own internal logic. However, SoftPro's "prior coverage exceeds owner coverage" warning message fires quite frequently even when our package has already taken this into account and made proper adjustments.

We are currently able to suppress the warning message by identifying it in the error list and clearing it from the list by its moniker. However, even when empty the errorlist window still slides up and obscures part of the screen and must be dismissed (even if already unpinned). This "false positive" is annoying to my users.

I've tried wrapping the code that clears the warning from the errorlist with "errorList.BeginUpdate();" and "errorList.EndUpdate();" hoping that would help the errorlist realize it has nothing to display but that doesn't work. There doesn't appear to be a "ErrorList Show" event that I can subscribe to in order to detect an empty error list and even if there were there's no "Hide()" method on the errorlist interface. If there is a HideErrorList() method on some other shell object I've not found it thus far.

So, if there's something I'm missing I would greatly appreciate help in finding a way to hide the empty errorlist window.

If I'm not missing anything and this is just "how the shell is" it would be nice if in a future release a HideIfEmpty() method could be added to the API.



Re: No way to hide the ErrorList window

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 11:48 am
by BobRichards
Just to provide closure - Yes, this is just how the shell is. However, thank you for the suggestion. Perhaps it will be added in the future if there is sufficient interest.