How do a Add a blank line to the end of my Requirement or Exception Text

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How do a Add a blank line to the end of my Requirement or Exception Text

Post by bcole »

Currently I am adding a requirement to an order via an Automation Code Snippet. Next I read the requirement text from the newly added requirement. Next I replace some of the text in that requirement and use IOrderItem.SetProperty(order_requirement, 'Text', order_requirement_text) to update the text in the requirement. All of the text replacement works just fine. My question is, is there a way to add a blank line on the end of that text updated. I need a blank like to appear because I need a line between each requirement when publishing the Search Data Schedule. So how to a insert a blank line at the end of my requirement text and have it show up in my Search Data Schedule?
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Re: How do a Add a blank line to the end of my Requirement or Exception Text

Post by vmrvichin »

Requirements & Exceptions can be in 2 formats.
1. Plain Text where a /r/n appended to whatever text you are putting in there should add a blank line at the end of the requirement/exception. This is generally the format that will be used when setting the 'Text' property programmatically or via a lookup table.

2. RTF formatted text, with this format you need to add a /par right before the closing } of the rtf string. This is the format that is used if a user manipulates the text of the requirement/exception.

If this doesn't get you going, please post a snippet of your automation that isn't working and we can go from there.
Vlad Mrvichin, Senior Software Developer, Custom Dev, SoftPro
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Re: How do a Add a blank line to the end of my Requirement or Exception Text

Post by bcole »

This is my code snippet. It doesn't end with }, but it is RTF formated

import re
from System import *
from SoftPro.ClientModel import *
from SoftPro.Select.Client import *
from SoftPro.OrderTracking.Client.Orders import *

# Constants
TARGET_CONTEXT = 'Requirement'
INSTRUMENT_NAME = 'Notice of Commencement'

# Order context
order = Context

def does_meet_criteria():
# Variables
property_state_exists = False
property_type_code_exists = False
note_exists = False
requirement_needs_adding = True

# Verify Property State
for property_ in order.Properties:
if property_.Address.State.Code in PROPERTY_STATES:
property_state_exists = True

if not property_state_exists: # Stop executing if criteria not met
return False

for property_ in order.Properties:
# Verify Property type code (Condo only)
if str(property_.Type) in PROPERTY_TYPES_CODE:
property_type_code_exists = True

if not property_type_code_exists: # Stop executing if criteria not met
return False

for note_ in order.Notes:
# Verify Category code (CC EFLITE only), Instrument Name (Notice of Commencement only), Additional Comments (NoC - Common only)
noteText = note_.Text
parcelOne ='Parcel 1', noteText)
nTextSplit = noteText.split('Instrument Name')
categories = note_.Categories
isCategorie = False if not categories else any(map(lambda x: x == str(NOTE_CATEGORY), str(int(categories.replace(',', '')))))
if (len(nTextSplit) > 0 and parcelOne):
for nText in nTextSplit:
getNotice = nText.lower().partition('notice of commencement')[1]
if isCategorie and getNotice:
note_exists = True

if not note_exists: # Stop executing if criteria not met
return False # fix indent

# Check Requirements to see if it already exists
requirements = order.Title.TitleInsuranceCalculations[0].Commitment.Requirements
for requirement in requirements:
if str(requirement).upper() == TARGET_LOOKUP_CODE.upper():
requirement_needs_adding = False

# Returns False if criteria not met, otherwise, return True
return requirement_needs_adding

# If order doesn't have the target requirement, create it.
if does_meet_criteria():
order_requirement_add_text = ''
book_previous_result = ''
page_previous_result = ''
doc_previous_result = ''
show_once = 1
duplicate_note = []

for note_ in order.Notes:
noteText = note_.Text
parcelOne ='Parcel 1', noteText)
nTextSplit = noteText.split('Instrument Name')
categories = note_.Categories
isCategorie = False if not categories else any(map(lambda x: x == str(NOTE_CATEGORY), str(int(categories.replace(',', '')))))

if (len(nTextSplit) > 0 and parcelOne):
for nText in nTextSplit:
getNotice = nText.lower().partition('notice of commencement')[1]
if isCategorie and getNotice:
book = nText.partition('Book/Liber: ')[2]
page = nText.partition('Page: ')[2]

book_start = 'Book/Liber:'
end = '\n'
book_result ='%s(.*?)%s' % (book_start, end), nText).group(1).strip()

page_start = 'Page:'
end = '\n'
page_result ='%s(.*?)%s' % (page_start, end), nText).group(1).strip()

doc_start = 'Doc No./Instr No.:'
end = '\n'
doc_result ='%s(.*?)%s' % (doc_start, end), nText).group(1).strip()

date_start = 'Recorded Date:'
end = '\n'
date_result ='%s(.*?)%s' % (date_start, end), nText).group(1).strip()

new_note = {"book": book_result, "page": page_result, "doc": doc_result}

is_bookpage_duplicate = any(note.get("book") == new_note.get("book") and note.get("page") == new_note.get("page") for note in duplicate_note)
is_doc_duplicate = any(note.get("doc") == new_note.get("doc") for note in duplicate_note)
is_allempty_duplicate = any(entry.get("book") == new_note.get("book") and entry.get("page") == new_note.get("page") and entry.get("doc") == new_note.get("doc") for entry in duplicate_note)

if ((book_result or page_result) and not is_bookpage_duplicate):
# Create an instance of a requirement.
requirement = IOrder.CreateNew(order, TARGET_CONTEXT)
requirement.Code = TARGET_LOOKUP_CODE

# Add the new requirement to the list of all requirements.
order_commitment_requirements = order.Title.TitleInsuranceCalculations[0].Commitment.Requirements

last_index = len(order_commitment_requirements) - 1
order_requirement = order_commitment_requirements[last_index]
order_requirement_text = IOrderItem.GetProperty(order_requirement, 'Text')

order_requirement_text = order_requirement_text.replace('\{\{Order.ExistingLiens[1].Recording.RecordedDate\}\}', date_result.strip() if date_result.strip() else '')
order_requirement_text = order_requirement_text.replace('\{\{Order.ExistingLiens[1].Recording.BookNumber\}\}', book_result.strip() if book_result.strip() else '')
order_requirement_text = order_requirement_text.replace('\{\{Order.ExistingLiens[1].Recording.PageNumber\}\} or Instrument Number \{\{Order.ExistingLiens[1].Recording.DocumentNumber\}\}', page_result.strip() if page_result.strip() else '')
order_requirement_text = order_requirement_text.replace('\{\{Order.Properties[1].County\}\}', order.Properties[0].County.strip() + ' ' if order.Properties[0].County else '')

book_previous_result = book_result
page_previous_result = page_result
IOrderItem.SetProperty(order_requirement, 'Text', order_requirement_text)

elif (doc_result and not (book_result or page_result) and not is_doc_duplicate):
# Create an instance of a requirement.
requirement = IOrder.CreateNew(order, TARGET_CONTEXT)
requirement.Code = TARGET_LOOKUP_CODE

# Add the new requirement to the list of all requirements.
order_commitment_requirements = order.Title.TitleInsuranceCalculations[0].Commitment.Requirements

last_index = len(order_commitment_requirements) - 1
order_requirement = order_commitment_requirements[last_index]
order_requirement_text = IOrderItem.GetProperty(order_requirement, 'Text')

order_requirement_text = order_requirement_text.replace('\{\{Order.ExistingLiens[1].Recording.RecordedDate\}\}', date_result.strip() if date_result.strip() else '')
order_requirement_text = order_requirement_text.replace('\{\{Order.Properties[1].County\}\}', order.Properties[0].County.strip() + ' ' if order.Properties[0].County else '')
order_requirement_text = order_requirement_text.replace('Book \{\{Order.ExistingLiens[1].Recording.BookNumber\}\}, Page \{\{Order.ExistingLiens[1].Recording.PageNumber\}\} or Instrument Number \{\{Order.ExistingLiens[1].Recording.DocumentNumber\}\}', 'Instrument Number ' + doc_result.strip() if doc_result else '')

doc_previous_result = doc_result
IOrderItem.SetProperty(order_requirement, 'Text', order_requirement_text)

elif ((not(book_result and page_result and doc_result) and show_once == 1 and is_allempty_duplicate)):
# Create an instance of a requirement.
requirement = IOrder.CreateNew(order, TARGET_CONTEXT)
requirement.Code = TARGET_LOOKUP_CODE

# Add the new requirement to the list of all requirements.
order_commitment_requirements = order.Title.TitleInsuranceCalculations[0].Commitment.Requirements

last_index = len(order_commitment_requirements) - 1
order_requirement = order_commitment_requirements[last_index]
order_requirement_text = IOrderItem.GetProperty(order_requirement, 'Text')

order_requirement_text = order_requirement_text.replace('\{\{Order.ExistingLiens[1].Recording.RecordedDate\}\}', date_result.strip() if date_result.strip() else '')
order_requirement_text = order_requirement_text.replace('\{\{Order.ExistingLiens[1].Recording.BookNumber\}\}', '')
order_requirement_text = order_requirement_text.replace('\{\{Order.ExistingLiens[1].Recording.PageNumber\}\}', '')
order_requirement_text = order_requirement_text.replace('\{\{Order.Properties[1].County\}\}', order.Properties[0].County.strip() + ' ' if order.Properties[0].County else '')
order_requirement_text = order_requirement_text.replace('\{\{Order.ExistingLiens[1].Recording.DocumentNumber\}\}', '')

IOrderItem.SetProperty(order_requirement, 'Text', order_requirement_text)
show_once = show_once + 1

raise ValueError("Underwriter review required - could not add '" + TARGET_LOOKUP_CODE + "' " + TARGET_CONTEXT)

Below is the rule Text to be manipulated. Am I able to add \par right after the period or do I have use brackets to get it to work with RTF?
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Joined: Thu Jul 22, 2021 11:50 am

Re: How do a Add a blank line to the end of my Requirement or Exception Text

Post by vmrvichin »

The code you provided is far too complex for me to try and get setup in my environment, I'll need you to condense it down into just a small snippet that demonstrates the problem that I can quickly and easily get set up on my system. Also, please put the code contents within a code block by pressing the following key
forum code button.jpg
forum code button.jpg (1.43 KiB) Viewed 5385 times
that can be found in the "Post a reply" toolbar.

From briefly scanning over that code, it looks like you are pulling the data in via a lookup table, which would mean it's not RTF, so the /r/n should work. Regardless one of those 2 suggestions (either /r/n or /par) should work, have you tried either of those and if so what were the results?
Vlad Mrvichin, Senior Software Developer, Custom Dev, SoftPro
Posts: 13
Joined: Thu Aug 25, 2022 10:00 am

Re: How do a Add a blank line to the end of my Requirement or Exception Text

Post by bcole »

Turns out the requirement was in RTF format. Splitting the text caused us to loose the closing RTF tag \par}
Once that was added everything was spaced properly. Thanks for the help.
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